About Boston Dispute Resolution Services

A better way

Michael’s belief that mediation participants deserve more than the “arm twisting” or “splitting the difference” that too often characterize “old school” mediation led him to explore different mediation styles and processes.

While mediation and most other services at BDRS (case evaluation being an obvious exception) primarily use a facilitative model of mediation (derived in part from concepts developed at the Harvard Negotiation Project), the process is tailored to meet the needs of the parties in an efficient and productive manner.

Balanced and practical, with a litigator's experience.

Michael brings a balanced view and unique, practical perspective to his dispute resolution services, drawing on what he found to be most successful in his own ADR experiences as a litigator, while seeking to enhance the overall process and maximize satisfaction of those using the services provided by BDRS.

For more information about Michael, please see About Michael Pezza.

The Services page provides more information about mediation and other ADR services offered by BDRS, and a list of substantive areas of focus.


BDRS provides timely and cost-effective mediation and other ADR services for the resolution of legal, insurance, and business disputes. These services include mediation, conciliation, case evaluation, and business facilitation.

Michael Pezza,  a Boston trial and business lawyer with more than 35 years of experience, founded BDRS in 2008 as an adjunct to his law practice. In addition to BDRS and his law practice, Michael is a member of the adjunct faculty at Northeastern University School of Law.

Been there. Done that.

In his law practice, Michael has represented plaintiffs and defendants, including individuals and businesses ranging from sole proprietorships to Fortune 100 companies, in a variety of matters. These have included business disputes and personal injury claims, employment and workplace disputes, real estate and land use disputes, intellectual property and media matters,  serious personal injury and death claims, major property losses, bad faith and unfair practices, and multi-million dollar, multi-party, complex business, construction, product liability, and insurance cases.

While many such disputes were resolved in court by motion, trial, or appeal, most were resolved through negotiated settlements.  Over the years, Michael and his clients increasingly turned to mediation as a way to reach such settlements, particularly in complex, multi-party cases. Although most of those mediations led to a resolution, in some instances the process itself was frustrating or not satisfying.